Enhanced shopping experience for your online customers on Shopify

Fantastic functionalities and added convenience to enhance sales performance in your Shopify store.

Integrate WhatsApp seamlessly into your Shopify online store!

Cash on Delivery (COD) assistance

Verify Cash On Delivery (COD) orders via WhatsApp by sending order confirmation messages.

WhatsApp Messaging Button

Incorporate a WhatsApp Chat button to elevate its status as a preferred communication channel for your Shopify store.

Messages for Abandoned Carts

Deliver messages regarding abandoned carts, delivery updates, and tracking information via WhatsApp.

24/7 Sales and Support

Facilitate continuous sales and support availability using WhatsApp chatbots and Team Inbox.

Online Store Notification

Deliver order shipment and delivery notifications via WhatsApp.

Analytics and Performance Metrics

Easily monitor your account’s performance analytics using the Whatsybot dashboard.

Frequently Asked Questions.

What does the integration of Whatsybot with Shopify entail?
It links your Shopify store with Whatsybot’s WhatsApp Business API to enhance customer engagement.
To establish Whatsybot Shopify Integration, first, create a Whatsybot account, obtain an API key, and then install the Whatsybot Shopify plugin to link your store.
Messages such as abandoned cart reminders, order confirmations, shipment updates, and personalized marketing communications.
This feature sends WhatsApp notifications to confirm or cancel Cash on Delivery orders, helping to mitigate fraud risks.